DIY Greeting Card Display
During our most recent move, one of my greeting card displays broke. When I went to look for a replacement, they were so expensive! I thought I found one that was more affordable but shipping ended up being as much as the display! In true small business fashion, I thought 'surely I can make this myself'. And I did! This might be the one project in my entire life that only required one trip to the store and went as planned.
*Note: My cards are A2 size and I wanted these to be tabletop displays. These steps are to make 1 display, I made 2.
- 2 x wood panels (I used 2 ft x 2 ft, 3/4in thick birch panels)
- 3 x Wood shelves (I used .75in x 1.5in x 2 ft pieces of birch)
- 1 x Bracket
- 6 x Screws for shelves (2 for each one)
- (Optional) Chain to attach the panels together to prevent them from sliding out
- I decided to paint the shelves one of my brand colors because I thought it would be cute but totally not necessary!

- Attach the brackets to the top of the panels (make sure the brackets are on super straight or else the frame will wobble - we learned that the hard way with the first one)
- Attach the shelves on one of the panels. We used 2 screws per shelf and screwed one on each end of the shelf. (make sure you use a level or else the shelf may not be straight, resulting in your products potentially falling off)
That's it!!
Here's the finished product in action:

Happy building!